June 21, 2010

Muffet is a "Guest Shooter" on MadDog's Blog- half way around the world!

Check this out!

A cool image showed up on my face book one day that a man took of Roz Savage when she arrived at Madang Papua New Guinea. I thought that it was a great image so I commented to the maker Jan Massersmith on FB. He has a very fun blog where he talks about life in paradise and shows amazing underwater images that he has taken. He invited me to be a "guest shooter" on his blog. : )

Jan's underwater photography is beautiful and I know, being from Kansas, I certainly don't get to experience what he sees on a daily basis.

Thanks Jan for bringing a bit of your world and the beautiful ocean to those of us that may not otherwise get to see it.
And thanks too for featuring "me" : ) on your blog!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are so welcome, Muffet. Your images are beautiful. I was very happy to show them to my readers.

Keep on keeping on.
