January 21, 2010

Maril's Senior Session

Maril's mom Malia and I have been friends since our tri - delta college days at K-state. Malia who is also a good photographer helps me out at the studio from time to time and has helped me out at a couple weddings. SO... it was really fun to photograph Maril who as you can see is very beautiful! We went to a small old town and convent that is close to the studio for part of her senior session. It is always fun for me to go to different locations to photograph. Maril was great! Here are a few of her images.

January 7, 2010


I had a great time in Mystic, Connecticut where I recently attended the Mystic 5 photography workshop. A big thank you to Photo One Software and P1 Wired for having me and for your wonderful hospitality!